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progromming= 80% (programming complete, not tested or flashed onto ardino)

time spent on arm = 2 months as of 26/08/23


log 01-26/08/23: i slacked quite alot near the end of summer, i need to get my 3d printer back up and running

log 02-04/09/23: begin printing parts of base, back on track!

log 03-14/11/23: ive had to do a total restart of how the arm is controlled, it was previously intended to use an android phone to connect but the code doesnt work with servo 6 and 7, im now going to use a gesture glove


links and sources

arm structure electroinic part list programming

disclaimer: i did not make any of these and all credit should go to the original makers, some of the programming for the ardino and controller was completed and refined by chatgpt-2

all parts where either 3d-printed by my ender3-v2 or bought from amazon with the exception of the android phone which was gifted to me by my brother who didnt need it anymore


image and video gallery